Sunday, December 22, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
The Easy Striped Table Runner, not quite finished. The outer borders haven't had their machine quilting finished. That will happen shortly. Then it will be trimmed and facing applied.
Two striped sections remained but they didn't have the same repeat. How was I going to use them. I found a free pattern from Shabby Fabrics: Table Runner Using a Border Stripe. Perfect. My runners ended up a bit wider therefore the end curve was adjusted. Two were made and one has already left home for someone else's table. Can you believe, a picture wasn't taken before it left. Another Duh on my part.
Here is the one still at home. The curve needs to be marked on both ends. trimmed and then facing applied. I am liking facing these. The edge border isn't lost.
This morning these will be finished and facing applied. When the Patriots are on this afternoon, completing the facing will be my slow stitching.
Enjoy your day and your threads.
Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.