
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Finish, Almost

My Snowflake Tablerunner from Piecing the Past Quilts is almost done.  I have hand quilted around the snowflake parts and put on the binding.  The decision has been made to add quilting in the spaces between the snowflakes and also at the ends.  It will be set back into the hoop and be my slow stitching for Sunday (football).

3030 was only stitched on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday this week.  Just couldn't make it back due to other commitments.  You can see that the stitching, piano keys, is at the last border.  Only half the stitching line can be stitched due to distance (arm reach).  One more turn and then it will be all done.

Enjoy your threads today.

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

3030 Quilt

Well, my Ellie has been at Brookside Quilt Works for her spa treatment.  She will come home next Wednesday.  Machine piecing hasn't happened as my Grand Dame (1971 Elna Super) told me to leave her alone, go do something else.  

I was going to sandwich the Eagle Runner but 3030 Quilt was yelling at me.  She told me that she had been neglected long enough.  A written record has been kept of the hours that I have hand quilted on her.  She was last stitched on in January 2024!!  That truly is neglect.  There was only one row of blocks to do and then the final border.

So, 13 hours and 50 minutes of stitching has been placed this week.  The end is so close that I shake my head.  Why did I stop?  

Here is my set up.  (The baskets under the frame in the picture have been cut out, a total mess.)  The phone is there as I listen to Podcasts as I stitch.  (The one I listened to today was The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe.  He had Master Bladesmith, Josh Smith on talking about knife making.  Really interesting.)  My thimbles, thread, scissors, bees wax and rulers are all close.  My tray moves around to where I am working.  

This is the pattern that has been used on the blocks.  A wave pattern will be stitched across the red sashing and then piano keys stitched up to the edge.  A little bit needs to be stitched on the right and then across the top begins.  This will be finished, there will not be another pause.  

3030 Quilt should finally come off the frame by the end of this coming week.  You now know where my slow stitching will be tomorrow and the rest of next week.

Enjoy your threads and may you be better at completion than I.

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


When we returned from Maine, the first thing that I worked on was my July table runner from Piecing the Past Quilts.  The stars were appliqued on and then the three pieces stitched together.  Then, oh so carefully (with measuring twice or more), it was cut to proper size and the border placed.

Here is a closer up of the Eagle so that you can see the material change of his wings.  

I am so pleased with how he came out.  (Also really pleased that he was begun and became a flimsy in a rather short period of time.)  This will be sandwiched today, and I will begin the machine quilting.

Enjoy your day with threads.  I have some count work for later today.

Linking with Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.