Good morning. The sun is out, the wind is quiet and it is a balmy -2F. We were on the Western edge of the Nor'easter and only received about 4 inches of snow. But the wind was moving it all around so we have bare spots on the ground. May those who live in Eastern Massachusetts and along the cost remain safe.
We went out in the morning and then spent the rest of the day in front of the fireplace where it was warm. The house was warm (68) but a fireplace, there is something about a fireplace.
Here is the finish of the third section of Three Things. I see things that I need to go back and do but will do on the way back down. I need to put words and date in the bottom yet.
Here is the beginning of my last section. There is more that was done last night. What you see are three flower pots and then more alphabet.
I am getting real excited as this will be finished soon, in February. This is the fastest that I have ever done any count work piece.
The sewing machine has had a bit of a work out but has really been on vacation this month. The fireplace is just so tempting this winter.
May your day be safe and warm. Linking up to Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy's Quilts