
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Tuna Quilters

I will begin with finished, almost.  The first is Black Dog Sampler by The Scarlett House.  I did not show it to you off the stitching frame.  I need to have it framed.

Here is Spring's Messenger by Scattered Seed Samplers.  Begun on the 8th of February and last stitch placed on the 15th.  About 24 hours of stitching time.

It is a pin keep so I will finish it.  Read me very carefully here.  This is important and related to the rest of this post.  I will show it to you finished next week.  

These were both stitch-a-longs from Jo's Country Junction Blog.  I thank her very much for sharing the ideas for these stitches.  I enjoyed them both.

Now to the reason you read so very carefully.  The Tuna Quilters, Kathy, Betty and me, meet next Wednesday.  (Our name comes from our lunch menu which have been mostly tuna salad.)

Last time we met, I said that I needed someone, them, to hold me accountable.  It is so easy to be a slug.  I wrote down goals that I had to meet for our next gathering.  They also set goals.

First is my Bountiful Life, Civil War Bride Quilt.  I have four blocks done and it has just sat there.  I don't know when I last worked on this as I can't find the paper where I documented that info.  

Goal: to have another block marked and half appliqued.  Goal not quite met.  Here is the Hospitality Table block started.  I mark the back with the design traced in pencil.  Then I place the fabric on the right side and outline stich, trim and needle turn.  I haven't finished the leaves.  I wanted the leaves and stems done.

Here is my 365 Quilt by Sentimental Stitches.    My last block was made on April 28, 2022.  

Goal: to have all the finished blocks stitched together.  Goal not quite met.  153 are now stitched together.   (102 were already stitched together,)  214 blocks have been made out of the 365.  They will be put together before I stitch up more.  Can't stand seeing them loose in the basket.

I set them up in rows of three and then stitch the rows together and then add to the quilt.

I had other goals but I can't find my list.  I saw it the other day.  That means my goal for today is to pick up my cave!  After that is done, I will stitch more leaves and get more blocks into rows of three.

Next week you will see the pin keep finished and maybe another finish.  May you all have a wonderful week and enjoy your threads.


  1. You’re making good progress in meeting your goals.

  2. I love that you make a list then cannot find the list. My kind of person. How are you supposed to check it off if it is missing? The stitching you have gotten done is beautiful.

  3. I did find the list I made with the Tuna Quilters. Cleaning off my desk was part of a list for today. That lead to my success in finding the goal list. Wish it was that easy to complete either list. Thank you both for visiting.

  4. I make lists all the time. Sometimes I accomplish what I wrote down, sometimes I don't, but at least I have an idea of what needs to get done. I love each of your cross-stitch pieces. I don't think I could sew those blocks together until they were all pieced. I really like that quilt. Enjoy your stitching!
