
Sunday, June 18, 2023


Gibbs was mad at me the other day while I was vacuuming.  He went into my cave and was quite comfortable on my Heartfelt Quilt to be.

I have not been super energetic.  We are still having a very cool, grey and at times drizzly spring.  Right now, we have warmed up to 57 and it is dripping outside.  We are supposed to have sun in about an hour.  Shall see.  

I need to get outside and do more weeding.  But the grey and wet make me unenergetic.  That slides over to my house and hand work inside.

I was caught by a squirrel.  Another project bag from Shepard's Bush in Ogden, Utah.  My stitching buddy showed this to me and now the bag is done except for the button decorations.  I need to get set up to stitch the pin cushion and scissor fob.

Our annual town meeting was held on Tuesday.  This is where the town budget is reviewed and voted on.  There were also 29 warrants to review, discuss and vote on.  (We are a town of 3038 people at the 2020 census.)  We have 2193 registered voters, 130 showed up for the meeting.  It can get rowdy, but this year was nice, quiet and behaved.  

Before the town meeting I made one motif of row 11 of my tatting. Eight more were tatted during the town meeting.  More were made on Wednesday during a trip to Boston.  Yesterday I was sitting in a waiting room and tatted a ring.  Then un-tatted as I counted wrong.  Glad I caught it before I closed the ring.

My Heartfelt Quilt has two borders on it now.  Removed and redid part of the HST border as I was not happy with it.

I like this border and corners better that the pattern asked for.  In the pattern the red of the HST is next to the cream border.  I like it flipped.  Also, I like my corners all the same, so I have made the goose area to flip the HSTs.  

Talk about lazy.  The next two borders have not been cut as I have to measure how long to make them.  I measured for the next border when I took this picture. I will make the next side borders, measure and keep going until it is done.  

Jo at Jo's Country Junction had a "Stitch-A-L0ng" for early June.  My stitching is done.  This week I need to have some finishes.  Enough of being lazy.  (I have written it, now to do it.)

I will be linking up to Kathy's Quilts and her Slow Sunday Stitching.  May you enjoy your threads today.  



  1. lovely stitching! I hope to enjoy my threads later today; I've a quilt to bind. But first, daughter #2 is coming for lunch with her dear ol' Dad and me!

    1. Hand binding a quilt is meditation for me. Enjoy your day.

  2. I dont think you can call yourself lazy at all, with all your glorious work on display. The red and white/cream quilt is lovely, quite a bit of work in the border too. And as for your tatting, I'm in awe of your skill.

    1. Thank you. My tatting is fair. There are some amazing tatters out there. Their work is just beautiful to behold, and the patterns they have designed are wonderful.

  3. I can't believe you are able to do tatting while at a town meeting. Goodness, I wouldn't be able to concentrate. You have some gorgeous pretties you are working on. I don't think you are lazy at all. Hope the sun shines for you today.

    1. I find having something to do with my hands makes it easier for me to concentrate on what is being said.

  4. I tatted at a ‘nit and natter meeting on Friday and had to open two rings that I made mistakes on! Still, I’m with you on keeping hands moving during a meeting of any sort.
