
Sunday, May 26, 2024


Nothing exciting in the land of threads.  We were in Maine visiting two of our daughters, son-in-law, granddaughter, my youngest sister and brother-in-law.  It was wonderful being with them all.  My sister celebrated her last birthday in the 60s.  How time moves on.

I had two littles that were pieced too small.  Here is the second one corrected.  Now the proper size and the left lower quarter has been placed properly.  I was going to leave it when I saw the mistake.  But, since I had to redo the block, I fixed it.

Have been working on the potato chip blocks.  13 of the 18-inch blocks have been made and I will need 27.5 for the size quilt I want.  (Not sure how that will work out.) 34 have been made of the 10.5-inch blocks.  I will need 72.  I am thinking of making the quilts with no border and doing a Welsh edging, no binding.  (Need to do some reading to learn what to do.)

I am enjoying making these chip blocks.  I leave them all set up at the sewing machine and can walk in and begin sewing.  In order to be able to make another set, I have told myself that I need to make a little block.  I just finished #232 today.  Need to make 365.  With making the chip block I feel like I have accomplished something, and then it is not so hard to make a fussy little.  (Those littles can take over an hour to make.  Especially if it has many pieces.)  They are getting done.  That is the important goal.

Have been spending time outside with the gardens.  Should have started earlier but it was so cool in April and early May that I didn't want to go out.  Now it is in the 70s and I have a lot of work to catch up on.  

Enjoy your threads today.

Linking with Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.



  1. So colourful, they look like they’re satisfying to make.

  2. Your quilt blocks are so pretty. Enjoy the warm weather and your gardening.

  3. I love the potato chip blocks! Fun and colorful!

  4. I just finished making 4 kits for potato chip blocks for our guild workday next week. Love these blocks!

  5. Making the potato chip block, I think that it has made my 1/4-inch seams better. The blocks are being stitched without using pins, just placed together with my fingers and off I go. Since I am trimming the block after it is made, I am not looking for perfection. But I am getting better (and I have been sewing since I can remember, which is a long time). Thank you all for visiting.

  6. You certainly had a nice visit catching up with lots of family. I've read that those potatoe chip blocks are rather addictive.
