
Sunday, February 27, 2022


Good morning.  My handwork this week has been working on the center to Heartfelt.  This is a 2021 BOW from Gay Bomer at Sentimental Stitches.  I am about half way done with my block.  Here you can see Doris and her two dragon friends deep in conversation about my handwork.  I did receive some constructive instructions.

Now to an old WIP.  Back in 2018 Renata Niemczyk had this doiley pattern as a Tat-a-Long.  You can find her Blog as  I made a yellow one in Lizbeth 20 weight 6 cord cordonnet thread.  When I was done with it, I placed it on the back of my chair to enjoy it and Ziva has claimed it.  It is still there to this day.  (She is such a cat princess.)  You can see it as my Blog photo.  

When I finished the yellow one, I decided to make one in grey using a 40 weight thread.  I finished 4 rounds and for some reason it was set down.  This is the year that I finish WIPs and not start a lot of new projects.  I am half way around round 6. This doiley has 13 rounds.  

My machine has also been working.  Am back to making the 365 Littles.  The way that I have set up  a completions schedule is: six days a week I make the blocks.  One day, today is the day, I set the timer for two hours and piece the blocks into rows or 3 by 17.  When a row is done it will be attached to the two sets already put together.  I should be adding a set today.  

Enjoy your day.  Linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching at Kathy's Quilts.



  1. Oh, I do love your tatted doily. So pretty!

  2. Love your tatting! It is so nice when our machines work. I've been trying to quilt something on my Handiquilter Moxie. I start out fine, and then it develops birds nests underneath. I have another 12 inches to remove and try again. Hope today it is a better day! Happy stitching!

  3. Tatting seems so intriguing and so very clever! Your piece looks gorgeous.

  4. Your Heartfelt block is looking lovely. Your tatting looks exquisite; so clever.

  5. Such a beautiful quilt block and your tatting is stunning.

  6. That doily is gorgeous. I like your quilt block also. Enjoy working on your WIPs and putting together your blocks.
